Daily routine for over 2s

07:00-08:00Arrival, self registration making choices, social interaction, developing self-confidence, 'school readiness' skills
08:00-9:00Breakfast time-children provided with breakfast and sit down together to eat
09:00-09:30Circle time- welcome song, number songs, thumbs up feedback, action songs, sharing news, letter and sounds listening activities.
09:30-10:30Focused Key Person led activities for all. Linked to seven areas and ELG and individual development needs (including 1:1)
10:30-10:45Snack time
10:45-11.00Nappy and Hygiene time
11:00-11:45 Outdoor play (Home time for funding children at 11:30)
11.45-12:00Follow my leader/group snake walk. Physical activity involving listening to instructions inside and out, moving in different ways, hand washing routines and settling down for lunch
12.00-12.45Lunch time-PSRN skills. Table manners, communication skills, likes and dislikes, trying new things, taking turns and sharing. (Including hygiene)
12.45-14.45Quiet activity- key person led. This will include afternoon children
(Nap time for toddlers)
14:45-15:00Hygiene Time
15:00-15.15Story time for all
15.15-15.45Tea time- sit together and eat to develop social skills (home time for afternoon funding children at 15:30)
15.45-16.30 Outdoor play
16.30-17.30Structured free play
17.30-18.00Home time- tidying up and saying bye to their friends

Potty and toilet training done routinely.